On admittance:
•Drainage of the right pleural cavity;
•Laparoscopy, drainage of the abdominal cavity;
•Plastic repair of defect right humeral arteria (the left femur venae);
•the orthogonal Ex-Fix was applied to pelvis and to the pelvis & right leg. Joint-spanning external (temporary) stabilization on the injured hand was applied.
There were complications in 10 days: purulence abscess of the right humerus (DI & drainage); abscess of the pancreas (drainage); hyperthermia 38-39 ℃. Later, in 10 days there were normothermia and stable hemodynamics.
In the 21th day after the injury, the pubic bones osteosynthesis with the retrograde locked nails and sacrum osteosynthesis with static screw were performed. Post/op roentgen images: AP view
•Intra/op blood loss – 10 ml;
•duration of the operation - 90 min.