Male, 32 years old. He was hit by a car (pedestrian).
Treatment was complicated by the appearance of purulent fluid of postoperative wound. Scrotal crushing (soft tissue necrosis, under necrosis is purulent fluid), extensive infected back abrasions (~18%), multiple abrasions of the upper and lower limbs. The patient was transferred from another hospital.
15 days after injury: severe pain syndrome, the patient cannot sit and turn on his side. All dressings are performed under general anesthesia. Moderate fever.
The PerQ pubic fractures osteosynthesis with the retrograde locked nails and PerQ right SI joint fixation with cannulated 6.5 mm screw on the S1 level were performed. Post/op roentgen images: AP view •Intra/op blood loss – min •duration of the operation - 100 min
The next day, pain syndrome killed. The patient can sit. On the 5th day after the operation, the patient can walk with crutches after operation due to stable osteosynthesis.